Day 3 of My Python Journey: Exploring Dictionaries and Sets
Hello, fellow Python learners! 🚀
Today, I dove into two fundamental data structures in Python: Dictionaries and Sets. Both are powerful and versatile, with unique features that make them essential tools for solving a variety of problems. Here’s a summary of what I learned!
Dictionary in Python
A dictionary in Python is like a real-world dictionary where you use a word (key) to find its meaning (value). It’s a collection of key-value pairs, and it allows for efficient lookups, updates, and deletions.
Points learned:
Dictionaries are used to store data values in Python.
my_info = { "name" : "hello", "gender" : "female", "age" : 26, "is_adult" : True, "marks" : 60, "Courses" : ('C', 'Python') }
Dictionaries are mutable
Dictionaries are unordered and don't allow duplicate keys
Empty dictionary can be created and can be updated later.
#empty/null dictionary null_dict = {} #Nested dictionary student = { "name" : "xyz", "gender" : "female", "courses" : { "chem" : 89, "math" : 78 } } student.update({"city" : "hyd"})
Dictionaries can be type casted to lists.
Dictionaries can be created within lists and lists can be created within dictionaries
A few Dictionary methods
myDict.keys() -> returns only keys (nested keys are not returned)
myDict.values() -> returns all values
myDict.items() -> returms all pairs as tuples
myDict.get("key) -> returns value of that key
myDict.update(new dict) -> can add new dict within a dict
Eg: student.update({"city" : "hyd"})
Sets in Python
Set is a collection of unordered items.
Sets are immutable but elements of sets are immutable.
Set elements must be immutable: The things you put inside a set (its elements) must be unchangeable. This is because Python needs to keep track of each element using a special system (hashing), and mutable things like lists or dictionaries can break this system.
• Immutable elements: Numbers, strings, and tuples (with unchangeable items) are allowed.
• Mutable elements: Lists, dictionaries, or other sets are not allowed.
Eg of set: nums = {1, 2, 3, 4}
Set ignores duplicate values, but it won’t return an error
Eg: collection = {1, 2, 2,2, 4, 5,5,5, "hello", "hi", 5.6}
#empty set syntax
empty_set = set()
print(empty_set) #o/p: set()
print(empty_set) #o/p: {1}
#set.add(el) - adds an element in set
#set.remove(el) - removes an existing element if no element, it returns an error
#set.clear() - empties the set
#set.pop() - removes a random value
#set.union(another_set) - creates a new set(only unique elements) by combining 2 different sets
set1 = {1,2,3}
set2 = {3, 4,7}
print(set1.union(set2)) #o/p: {1, 2, 3, 4, 7}
#set.intersection(another_set) - returns common elements of 2 sets - unique only
set3 = {1,2,3}
set4 = {3, 4,7}
print(set3.intersection(set4)) #o/p: {3}